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Comparison of Arabidopsis thaliana with
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens, and Caenorhabditis elegans

summary fasta files blastp outputs browsable images gene lists

blastp outputs and matrix files

S. cerevisiae (18MB, uncompresses to 84MB) (163K, uncompresses to 848K)

H. sapiens (23MB, uncompresses to 108MB) (195K, uncompresses to 868K)

C. elegans (20MB, uncompresses to 95MB) (176KB, uncompresses to 864KB)

RGB Matrix File (all matrix files combined): (227K, uncompresses to 1MB)

.matrix file format
The .matrix file contains seven columns, where:
A. unique identifier for the query gene
B. unique identifier of the best BLAST hit in the target database, if it is above the cutoff of the expectation value
C. normalized* expectation values
D. percentage of identity between the overlapping regions
E. number of identical letters in the overlap
F. length of the overlap
G. shows if there is a BLAST hit found (should be identical to the column B, but the wording is different)

* normalized expectation value reflects the absolute value of the exponent in the expectation value. If the expectation value is 2x10-15 (2e-15), the normalized expectation value is 15. For all expectation values better than 10-100 (1e-100), like 3x10-101 (3e-101), 7x10-156 (7e-156), etc., the normalized expectation value 100 is assigned.

.rgb file format
The .rgb file consists of seven columns:
A. unique identifier for query gene
B. normalized expectation value of the best hit from the red target database
C. normalized expectation value of the best hit from the green target database
D. normalized expectation value of the best hit from the blue target database
E. unique identifier of the best hit from the red target database
F. unique identifier of the best hit from the green target database
G. unique identifier of the best hit from the blue target database

The .rgb file can be visualized in PyMood.

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