Click on any image to see the larger version.
Screenshots from Windows version
 The main PyMood canvas, the Annotation dialog and BLAST output. |  Selecting objects on the 3D Viewer by Search |  3D Viewer, Options, and Selection by Range |  The shortcuts to the PyMood programs on Windows |  Object selection and then an external data lookup |  The pseudo-3D cube sort, which allows moving and selecting objects easily. |
 Object selection, viewing the annotation and BLAST display. |  Two comparisons are sorted in a plane |  The webpage output of the previous screenshot. |
 The graphical BLAST launcher which generates input files for PyMood. |  PyMood 3D Viewer with the cube outline on. |  The BLAST Launcher proccessing files |
 PyMood startup screen |  Project from data file setup window |  Random project generator |
Screenshots from Mac OS X version
 2d view, showing data setup and annotation |  2d plot with pseudo-cube and selection |  PyMood BLAST Launcher on Mac |  PyMood Help Browser |  3D viewer screenshot showing Selection by Range |  3D viewer showing other selection methods and annotation |